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Undo Check Out Command (Source Menu)

See Also

Command Remarks

Cancels a Check Out operation, undoing all changes.

After a file or project is checked out, it is possible to undo the check out. This command is convenient if you have modified a file and then decide not to save the changes.

When you check in an unchanged file, you may make Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted perform the Undo Check Out command and do not add a new version to file history. This behavior may be set in Check in unchanged files option in Tools->Options->General Tab.

Access Rights

You must have Check In/Check Out access right to use this command.

Dialog Box Items

If you have checked the Undo Check Out check box  in Options->Command Dialogs tab, the Undo Check Out dialog box is displayed when you perform  the Undo Check Out command.

Recursive (project-level only)

Undoes the check out on all descendants of the selected project

Override Working Folders (project-level Undo Check Out only)

Overrides the working folder set for the subprojects involved in a recursive operation. Available only when you click the Recursive check box.

Local Copy


Undoes the check out.


Cancels the Undo Check Out command and closes the dialog box.